Thursday, September 18, 2008

Feeling Thwarted ...

I am looking longingly at things number 37 and 38.

I can't seem to get onto Last.FM at work.

I do not have the latest version of Adobe Flash so TooDoon is not cooperating, either.

Looks like it is back to weeding.

Sigh ...

Thursday, June 26, 2008


I tried Picnik and Fauxto. But the PC I am on (at work) does not have flashplayer installed. I then went to Pixenate. It does not offer many more options than windows or paint. But I have played around with what I could do.

Here is the original photo.

I cropped it to include only myself.

Here is my friend. There did not seem to be a means of altering the background in Pixenate.

My photos were already black and white. I thought I would change the following colour photo of my dog Biskit to sepia.

I think you will agree he looks sweet, whatever colour he is presented in.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

A Little Bird Told Me ...

I really like the look of Twitter. I have linked it to both my Blogger pages, plus my facebook. I will try and link it to my phone at lunch time. I like the idea of being able to do quick updates wherever I am.

Speaking of being in touch. I recently realised I had poached a few too many of my daughter's facebook friends. I suddenly found myself listening in on too many of her conversations. I had to dump a few of her friends.

Has anyone ever been dumped on facebook?

You can dump a person easily. facebook doesn't even tell them. But I chose to let them know and sent a cupcake as a peace offering. Her friend Kathy told me it was a little depressing.

I have another question. I recently applied for the position of Volunteer Blogger for the MWF. They want a team of people to assist with their viral marketting. It struck me today that perhaps I should start a facebook group called: Liz for volunteer blogger and see how many people I can get to support me.

What do you think?

Thursday, May 8, 2008

FitDay ...

I will get up early in the morning and go for a jog ...

I will not eat chocolate today, or cake. Not one single biscuit ... even if it is sitting begging on the staffroom table.

I will be strong ... as a teenager's dirty socks. I will succeed.

FitDay is a great idea. I have been to the site, registered, and made a list of my sins (groan). There is something sobering about seeing them offically listed. I am not going to tell you my total calories consumed. That is between me and my new friend Mr FitDay. But, needless to say, there is room for improvement.

The limitations of the site are that it is American. Their brands and servings are different to ours. They also talk in pounds and ounces.

The site has an emphasis on packaged and pre-prepared foods as opposed to plain simple foods. You type in fruit and it brings up so many options - with cream, with marshmallows, with syrup. What ever happened to peeling a banana, I ask you?

I think, if I was serious about losing weight, nutridiary might be best, because of the social networking component.

On the whole, however,I think online dieting would not work for me. I mean, if Lindt chocolate wasn't listed, and I only ate a small piece, a broken piece for example, with all the calories leached out of it, I would not need to declare it. Would I?

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Express yourself through online art ...

Well, I had a go at Mr Picassohead. I won't be giving up my day job.

I also made a very nice snowflake that looked particularly stunning in 3D.

As far as timewasters go, I am not hooked. You simply can't beat Dylan Moran on YouTube.

I have just read the comments on my previous blogs and will try converting my dog picture on Zamar. This will be very easy now I have my new 'memory stick, hanging form my City of Boroondara lanyard. It means photos stored in my personal drive can be transferred and worked upon wherever, I am(Yeah!). I had been meaning to purchase a USB drivee for work so it was a lovely surprise!

I am off to the CBC conference this afternoon. I am pretty excited (except it is pouring with rain).

We are doing an Olympics theme next school holidays. I am thinking of trying to use an image generator to make it look like each kid has won a gold medal and has a picture on Time Magazine. I think I would just need a gold medal (of some sort) and a bunch of flowers and a green and gold tracksuit top and the library's digital camera and the laptop. I will have to ask Fiona whether printing will be possible from the meeting room.

What do you think!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Online File Storage

Wow. I am into this! But first - a confession.

I should probably put this on Post a Secret but, my family will never read this, so here goes.

Sometimes, if I leave the iron on, or if I find my daughter's hair straightener left on (not Phoebe btw), I break out in a cold sweat. I think, what if the house burned down ... I think, my laptop would be destroyed ... I think my USB drive would not survive ... and even the hard copy of my manuscript would be destroyed.

Oh yes , and my children's photos, and my dog, and my husband's guitar ... I add guiltily. All our memories, and my laptop, all my certificates, and my USB port, all my books, and my manuscript. Oh,my God! What if the house burned down?

It's OK, I have talked to other writers and they feel the same.

I have taken to emailing chapters to myself and saving them on But eSnips looks like much better solution.I have read the terms and conditions and as long as I do not make the chapters public, they belong to me. Once I make them public eSnips can use them as they wish. So I will not be putting any chapters up for you to read.

I have, however, uploaded a file from work. It is the dear Mum letter I use with school groups. I wil make it public for a short time and then change it back to private. In the meantime if you want to have a look it is located here:

Thursday, April 17, 2008


I have joined Plaxo and added some events to the calendar. It is good. I must confess I have only recently started taking advantage of Yahoo's Calendar. I now get an email message every day with events, plus reminders.

Here is my wish list for work:

I would like to have a web based email/calendar system at work that can be accessed form home. Then, no matter when, or where, I am logged on, I could activate my account. I know Lotus notes has the ability to plan and book meetings. It would be great if Philippa, Sharee and I could do all our meeting communication this way. But ideally we would need to be able to check these dates on desk, from home, in a meeting: anywhere. As it is we have to replicate them in a dairy.

Something like Plaxo has great potential but it is not secure enough for work inforation. And we do not enjoy continuous and reliable acces to a computer network. At a typical Youth Services meeting we turn up with our paper diaries, we bring along gids and timetables that we have printed out. We make notes and plans, on paper. We then have to enter them into out electronic system. It is messy and time consuming. I carry around a folder of printed information in addition to my diary. It is the only way I can juggle a part time/timeshare position.

Perhaps libraries need a laptop purchase scheme (like public school teachers have). Then we could just plug into a dickign station. I know it all costs money but this is a wish list. We need to be online, all the time, to be able to make the most of these applications fully.

I will now jump off my sopabox and do some shelving. :-)